Sunday, September 30, 2012

Why Do You Like This?!

     The above spot from T-Mobile is my roommate's favorite TV comercial. Yes, you read that right. The ad, which consists of nothing but a knock off of "One, Two, Buckle my Shoe" read by a character who's a knock off of the Mac guy, is someone's favorite advertisement. We've had ta few discussions about this, and it usually ends in me being enraged and her laughing at how mad I get. I guess as someone who studies creative advertising it just scares me that something so uninspired can appeal to someone. My roommate is smart, her brain functions at full capacity, but she still enjoys this. She could recall that the brand was T-Mobile, and can even quote the rhyme now...I normally leave the room when this happens. Is it really this easy to please the general public? There is no way this would even be acknowledged in one of my portfolio classes. I'd probably get kicked out of the program for even suggesting such a terrible idea. It has no originality and no big idea. Mediocre is one of the many ways I could describe this commercial (most of the other ways contain expletives). I'm extremely happy I've received an education that teaches me how bad this is. This spot is a bad one off I hope fades into obscurity soon. T-Mobile, can you hear me now? Do better next time! 

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