Monday, November 12, 2012

God Bless 7-Eleven

     Originally, I wasn't too compelled by 7-Eleven's "7-Election" campaign, but after reading a little more about it I thought it at least warranted a blog post. This season was inundated with campaigns trying to play off the election, but all of them had the same concept: vote red or blue. Nothing really stood out. With the 7-Election campaign, at least a customer had to make a purchase to actually cast a vote, instead of just clicking a button online. However, the concept is not what I find extremely interesting, it's the results. 

     Unbeknownst to me, the convenience store has run the campaign for the past three elections...and every time it has accurately predicted the outcome. Here are the results from all 7-Elections: 

     Not only that, the company ran the same campaign in the Philippines in 2010, and accurately predicted the winner of their election out of ten potential candidates. To me, that's impressive. The idea of the campaign isn't extremely original, but the accuracy is intriguing. I wonder how long their streak will last until they fail to predict the election...guess we'll have to wait until 2016 to find out. 

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