Monday, October 29, 2012

Weathering the Storm

     American Apparel is known for being controversial in its advertising, but this definitely pushes the limits a little too far. While Hurricane Sandy was busy ravishing the Northeast, the clothing store thought it was a good idea to offer discounts on its stupid overpriced hipster clothes. The store received a ton of backlash because of this campaign, and rightfully so. One of the many reasons this was ignorant is because the hurricane knocked out power and access to the Internet for hours or days for thousands of people, rendering their online sale completely and totally useless. Also, I don't think many people were bored during the storm, they were busy staying safe and making sure their loved ones were safe. I think a way more effective solution, and this is if marketers should even be trying to gain attention in the time of a natural disaster, is if American Apparel had donated some trendy hipster coats made out of hemp or whatever material is deemed cool today or some other form of clothing to the many individuals who were affected by the storm. It should be obvious to not make light of a serious situation, but American Apparel was probably too busy listening to that band they like and being original and ironic to ever learn that lesson. 

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