Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Snickers Makes Me Snicker

     Halloween is right around the corner, which means it's time for me to pull out a bed sheet, cut out some eyeholes, and scam some people out of some candy. With the sheet over my head, I can pass as a 6'2 middle schooler...maybe. What was I supposed to be talking about? Oh yeah, advertising. So for the past few years, Snickers has been my favorite when it comes to Halloween advertising. Their spots are genuinely funny, and I appreciate that even though the commercial is seasonal it still ties in to the overall big idea of the brand: hunger is bad. I think some brands view seasonal advertising as a completely different entity, but I'm glad Snickers uses the holiday to further what the brand is known for.

     This commercial came out two years ago, and I still remember it. More importantly, it still makes me laugh. The mix of weird and creepy result in a great Halloween spot for the candy company. 

     This year, Snickers released a new commercial, and I think its even better than the Scary Lady ad. It captures that same weird tone and sense of humor and delivers a familiar idea in a fresh new way.

     These ads can certainly stand alone, but also seamlessly integrate into the work Snickers puts out all year long. When I think about it, that can be hard to do, because "It's Halloween, buy this candy!" is obviously the first thought the commercial has to convey, but these spots do a great job balancing that message with Snickers' branding. I'll definitely be buying them this year, and then lying to trick-or-treaters and saying I'm out of candy so I can eat them all myself. Suckers. 

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