Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Read All About It...Just not on The Daily

     The Daily, the iPad-only newspaper, will be no more at the end of this month. What started out as an intriguing idea has turned out to be a flop. At first I wondered why no advertisers would be interested in supporting the publication, but after thinking about it for a few minutes those reasons became clearer than an iPad's retina display...on which you will no longer be able to read The Daily. Why would an advertiser support an iPad only app when they can give money to a more reputable news source that is available no matter the tablet platform. It's almost essential now for a major publication to have an accompanying app, and I'm sure agencies recommended going with those first over the new startup only available to Apple users. iPad users seemed to be the only targeting for the paper as well. It didn't have any sort of unique identity that advertisers could see as specifically relevant to their customer base. Finally, I think the failure of The Daily demonstrates that print advertising is still powerful. People still like to pick up a hard copy of their favorite magazine and flip through the glossy pages. The advertising industry and its clients aren't completely ready to abandon the medium. It will be interesting to see if a new, only-digital paper pops up again at some point in the future, I don't think it's necessarily a bad idea, but hopefully it will work out the issues this magazine had and be a more appealing vehicle for advertisers.


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