Tuesday, December 4, 2012

What's In a Name? CASH!

     Jason Sadler sounds like any other typical guy, right? Now what if his name were Jason Nike? Jason Oreo? Jason Panasonic? Ok, I'll stop now, but I'm sure those peaked your interest way more than the original name. In one of the strangest media buys I've ever seen, Jason has started a website auctioning off his last name to a brand for an entire year. His new brand inspired moniker will come up on his driver's license, his social media channels, and whenever he introduces himself. Currently, the highest bid is $34,500, placed by an earphone manufacturer. WHY?! What is this going to do for your brand? This will probably garner a little press after the auction ends on December 12, but afterwards I cannot see anything coming out of this. It's completely pointless, and I can't believe this guy is totally willing to give up his identity to a company that he might not even use. But don't worry, good old Jason has morals. He won't take bids from organizations pertaining to religion, politics, or porn.

     I'm trying to decide if this is worse than people getting brands tattoos on their body. I mean, nothing is worse than the picture above, but is someone's physical identity more or less important than a name? Either way, I don't think these stunts do anything for a company or brand...but what do I know, this Jason guy is currently $34,500 richer than me.


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